Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Good News, The Bad News, The Future News (My Crazy Life)

The Good News: I have officially been accepted to do my Titus Project in India. The date is starts is July 21st where there will be 3 weeks of training in India. And it looks like my teams outreach is going to be in Bangladesh for a little while and also in India and that will be 2 months. We will be teaching the inductive method in some places and also teaching some books in SBS's in both Bangladesh and India.

The Bad News: I leave in a month and have no money. I need prayer, I need support, I need Visas in a very short amount of time. The total finances is going to be around 3000 dollars. Please keep me in your prayers and if you feel led to give that would also be much appreciated.

God has given me a heart to teach his word to those who are hungry for it and who desperately need it. This past 9 months I have learned the word and I have seen how it has affected my life and how important it is to know the word and the least I can do with my life is share to those who need it. That is part of my vision seeing people transformed by the living word of God.

The Future News: Right when I get back from my Titus outreach I have the opportunity to go on a month long tour with an artist on base which is an awesome opportunity to share my gift of rhythm with the west Coast. After that I am trying to get home for about a month to raise support for the next step. Yes this is very exciting. God has been laying it on my heart to come back to Montana for 2 years or more to staff the Discipleship Training School here. This is other part of my vision to disciple and lead and to see students set free and walking in the gifts that God has given them. It is awesome seeing how God has brought these opportunities to my life.

The Prayer Request: Finances for the next couple years. That God will bring people to me who will share my vision who are willing to support me financially for the long haul. Visas to come quickly because I don't have much time. Strength for me and my team as we are constantly teaching for two months. Thanks for your prayers...they mean so much...if you need prayer for anything let me know!

Support can be sent to: 501 Blacktail Road Lakeside, Montana 59922